WISE Talks competition will be divided up into phases:
School level
The competition will have two rounds. All participants will deliver their speeches in the first round. The judges will use the provided rubric and judging criteria to select six participants who will proceed to the second round.
Global level
Finalists will attend the WISE international summit and present their WISE Talk. The judging panel will determine 3 winners from the finalists. Students will compete for the finals at the upcoming summit in December of 2023 in Najaf, Iraq
Our Mission
Topic Ideas
Topic suggestions are available for those with difficulty finding topics.
Before preparing to present, be sure to check the talk rules and regulations.
Application for Internation Wise Competition is live now!
brief information
WISE Talks competition will be divided up into phases. The first phase of the competition will happen at the community level, where students will compete among their peers and a first, second, and third place winner will be chosen. The second phase, students will compete for the finals at the upcoming summit in December of 2023 in Najaf, Iraq.
WISE Talks is an amazing opportunity for students to research a topic that empowers them to be the change they want to see in the world. Students will go through several phases of the competition and the finalists will be presenting their WISE Talk at the international summit in December 2023. The website contains important information for students to be well informed and prepared for the competition.
- All participants must be between the ages of 10-18 years old on September 1st, 2023
- Each participant will have a maximum of 7 minutes to deliver their presentation.
- The presentation must be in English.
- All presentations must include visual aids or visual presentation files.
- Participants must seek approval to use video files in their presentations.
- All participants must respect and adhere to the given dress code.
The program’s leaders recommend business casual attire for all participants that reflect the presentation topic. All participants (males and females) must abide by the Islamic dress code and not wear any branded clothing except for WISE Talks.
As you begin to organize your WISE Talk topic and research, use the following guidelines and tips to help you build a stronger presentation. Also, it is highly recommended that you review the rubric.
- Research and understand your topic before building your argument.
- Consider your audience’s needs and connect with them.
- Start with a strong hook that peaks your audiences’ interests (a-ha! moment)
- Ensure your key points relate back to your topic
- Defend your position respectfully without attacking other beliefs, cultures, and values.
- Organize your slide shows to align with your topic and presentation
- Engage your audience and use the whole stage space
- Make eye contact with your audience and use appropriate gestures, body language, and voice intonation.
- Practice and have Tawakul (Faith)